Assign Team Actions

As a Team Captain, you can assign team actions. Team actions are helpful when you have a shared impact goal with your team or a new habit you've decided to start together. You can also use team actions to help team members get started with their first action, or increase the challenge difficulty.

Assign a team action

  1. Sign up or log into your Ecochallenge.
  2. On your Dashboard, click MANAGE ACTIONS in the sidebar.

  3. In your action library, you will see a bar at the top where you can choose who to assign actions to: Myself, My Team, Teams I Manage (if applicable), and My Organization (if applicable).

  4. To assign an action for all your teammates in your primary team (the team that's listed first in your sidebar), select My Team in the bar. You can also choose Teams I Manage for your secondary teams, or My Organization if you are an Organization Captain.
  5. Choose an action category and select an action to assign. For Ecochallenges that allow custom actions, you can also create an assign a custom action. Note: For actions that require a numeric input, the goal you enter will apply to all team members (for example: eat 2 organic meals).

  6. Once you've assigned an action, the action will appear on the Dashboard for all current and future teammates. Team and organization actions will show an icon to indicate that they are assigned actions.

Please note:

  • If you select TEAMS I MANAGE in step 4, these action assignments will only apply to your secondary managed teams, not your primary team (the team to which you contribute points). To add actions to your primary team, please select MY TEAM.

  • When assigning an action, you may see a warning if some of your team members are at their action limit. This means they will not be assigned this action. You can ask your team to remove one of their actions, then re-assign the action by de-selecting and re-selecting the action. Assigned actions are not re-assigned automatically.

  • Teammates can deselect team actions if they wish. We recommend that you communicate your choices and the reasons behind them by using our team messaging feature.

  • You can delete an assigned custom action, but if team members have already checked in and earned impacts, their assigned custom action will change to a personal custom action.

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