Text Message Notifications (SMS)
If you have a mobile phone number in the United States or Canada, you can receive text message (SMS) notifications sent to your phone. Text notifications can be helpful for staying connected to an Ecochallenge! You'll receive check-in reminders, and you'll be notified whenever another Ecochallenger replies to your posts or comments.
You can opt out at any time.
There are two ways to subscribe:
Subscribe when you sign up
- Check the box that says "I would like to receive participant updates and notifications via SMS" and continue to sign up.
Subscribe with an existing account
- Log in. On your Dashboard, in the left sidebar, click Edit Profile.
- On your Edit profile page, scroll down and check the box for "I would like to receive participant updates and notifications via SMS" and Click Update Profile.
- You will be prompted for your phone number. Enter in your number and click Update Profile again. You're set!