Email Delivery

If you or your team members are having issues receiving emails from us or sending emails through the Ecochallenge platform, including invitations and team messages, here are a few things to check.

Company or school firewall

It's possible your employer or your school has a firewall or spam filter that's catching and blocking our emails before they reach your inbox (and even your spam folder).

  1. For our dedicated IP address, please email us at
  2. You can also add our domain to your trusted list, as well as the following email addresses:
    1. Marketing emails and weekly Ecochallenge updates are sent from:
    2. Platform notifications, reset password, team messages, and invitations are sent from:

Opted out of platform notifications

  1. Please check that you're opted into our notifications.
    1. Log in to the Dashboard, click Edit Profile in the sidebar, and scroll down to the Notifications section. Make sure this checkbox next to "I would like to receive participant updates and notifications via email including check-in reminders and replies to my posts." is checked.

Note: Currently, Team Captains cannot view which team members have opted out of notifications. Please confirm with your team that everyone is opted in.

Marked as spam

It's possible you accidentally marked our emails as spam, or the service provider automatically marked our emails as spam.

  1. Please check your spam folder.
  2. You can also add and to your contacts! This will let your email service know that we are trusted senders.

When a service provider marks our emails as spam, we're blocked from sending any future emails to that recipient. To check your status and to re-initiate email delivery, please email us at You'll need to contact our email delivery service directly to confirm that you want emails from

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