Sign up for Ecochallenge

New to Ecochallenge?

Click the JOIN button on the event homepage. After creating your profile, you’ll have the option to search for a team, create a new one, or join the Community Team.

Already joined an Ecochallenge?

If you've already done another Ecochallenge, click LOGIN on the new event homepage at the top right to log in with your existing account. You may have to answer a few registrations questions to join the new event.

What if the Ecochallenge has already started?

Registration remains open until the end date of the challenge. That means you can join the Ecochallenge at any time until the challenge is complete.

While people can register on the last day, we recommended registering at least a week before the start of the challenge so that you have enough time to explore actions, build your team, and connect with other participants on the Feed.

Registering early will give you the most success in designing your challenge. That said, even if you've missed some days, it's not too late to get started and drive your impact!

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